Tuesday, January 25, 2011

What's in a Name?

Well, I am going to try this blogging thing again. I am the absolute worst at keeping a journal, so hopefully this will go better. I have titled my new blog adventure: Less of Me.
Why? Because I have decided to speak to and chronicle my experience on a subject that has controlled most of my life: WEIGHT!...Weight loss, weight gain, weight obsession, food obsession, food dependence, etc...

If you can relate, then come along with me as I jump into this process headfirst! ( A SCARY PROPOSITION FOR ME! )

Let me preface by saying that this is not going to be a blog about "weight loss" persay. It is going to chronicle much more than a hopeful physical transformation, but I plan to go much deeper, into the spiritual and emotional aspects of a dependence on food. And I want to do this to help keep myself accountable. 

LESS OF ME, as you may have figured out has a double meaning. First and foremost, I have learned and truly believe the only way to freedom from any kind of addiction is to put our focus on the One who created us and allow Him to lead us out of our wilderness and captivity. Life has to be about more of Him and less of ourselves. He takes the whole "NO other gods before me" thing seriously. 

I hope that by posting this blog it will help someone else as they follow my journey. Let me be clear about something: This blog is NOT about how to lose weight, but about living in obedience and how living a life of glorifying God and not Self will bring freedom from a slavery to food. ( or any other captivity ) Freedom from a food stronghold means not stuffing ourselves to fill a void or empty place in our hearts that was meant for God to fill. When we stop stuffing our faces and start stuffing our minds and hearts with His Word, the overeating stops and the weight will come off. I believe this! I have learned so much in the past few months of doing a free online course called "Setting Captives Free".

If you are living with a stronghold of food or any other addictive behavior there is a study for you on this website. The study for overeating ( and all food issues, including "UNDER-eating" ) is called "The Lord's Table".
I have been doing it for a while and have had success, but honestly, have recently had a few setbacks. Thus the reason for starting this blog. I want to have an outlet for accountability and hopefully support and prayer from friends. I can only have success on this journey with His help. The world offers so many "solutions" for weight loss, many of which I have tried in the past, but the world also  offers no SPIRITUAL answers. And any addiction is a spiritual matter. I will do my best to share what I have learned and am continuing to learn.... My thoughts and struggles and hopefully victories, including lost poundage! :)
Hopefully some of you will follow along with me and with His help we will find FREEDOM!!

Galatians 5:1..
It is for FREEDOM that Christ has set us FREE. STAND FIRM then, and do not let yourselves be burdened again by a yoke of slavery.

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